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We are beyond thrilled about our budding partnership with KOMODO, a pioneer fashion brand promoting the use and development of natural fibers (think organic cotton, hemp, bamboo and others) since the early ’90s.

Danyadara is now among the charities and projects that KOMODO allocates funds toward thanks to consumers shopping consciously (and stylishly). Their long-standing philanthropy enables organizations that strike a chord with Joe Komodo to continue to do amazing work around the world.

A big THANK YOU! to Mark Bloom (a.k.a. Joe Komodo) and all of the conscious consumers that enabled the donation of €750 toward our Food Forest through shopping ethically. This community – one created across regional and international boundaries with a shared vision about the way that humans interact with each other and with the planet – builds awareness and raises funds for charities and projects around the world.

As you know, our efforts to reverse desertification in Andalusia rely on our volunteers, individual donors and great companies like KOMODO to thrive. Check out their newest collections here and keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram for future collaborations.

Shopping for your new threads can help our project in Andalusia. KOMODO is a member of the Ethical Fashion Forum and operates within the code of Independent Brands Supporting Independent Retailers. Shop KOMODO online and use the code PlantDANYADARA to have funds directed specifically to our project.